
Art Swansea sessions start on Friday 2nd August 2024 7-9pm.

These sessions are free to access and are for adults who want to explore or enhance their creativity through physical visual art (drawing, painting, sculpture, etc*.,).

The Art Swansea newsletter is the easiest way to not miss out on all the exciting things we’re getting up to. Not only that, the newsletter also contains art tips, prompts, and information on exhibitions, competitions, and art supplies. Too good to miss out on!

The sessions:

The sessions are not art lessons. Each session will have a different art related topic discussed – but you don’t have to participate. If you just want to draw then just draw. There will be two still life set ups available and if it’s light enough and the Swansea weather permits it there is an outside area with plants that during the summer evenings would also be good life practice. How you interact with the sessions is entirely up to you.

Guidance is available if you require it, but the aim is to provide a safe space where anyone can be creative. Where that takes you is entirely up to you. You’re welcome to just come along and let your creativity free, or if you’d like to get your art “out there” and in to exhibitions or for sale then Art Swansea will help with that. The sessions are about you and your art.

The venue:

Art Swansea sessions are held in Dyfatty Community Centre (Chapel Street SA1 1NB).

Getting there:

The community centre is next to Dyfatty lights at the top of High Street, there is a bus stop relatively close. There is a car park with limited spaces, although there is on street parking in the area immediately outside the venue is double yellow lines so if driving, please park responsibly.

Image by Tutortastic from Pixabay

How much does it cost?

Art Swansea sessions are free (seriously). We believe that the biggest obstacle to people engaging with art is cost. Everything art related has a cost related to it, but we want to remove that obstacle as far as possible to make art available to as many people as possible.

Do I have to register?

Yes. The first time you attend an Art Swansea session you’ll need to register.

What information will you need?

Name, contact details, and demographic information.

Why do you need that?

While we like to concentrate on the art, there are certain  requirements we need to meet for insurance purposes, we also collect demographic data (age range, gender, race, etc.,) which is then anonymised to aid in funding applications so we can run Art Swansea. All information is protected and covered by GDPR. We would never sell your data or release it a third party without your permission (see privacy policy).

Are there any rules?

While we believe that there shouldn’t be any rules in art, there have to be rules to keep everything running for the benefit of the community. So yes, we have a code of conduct that all participants must adhere to. Some of the rules are legal requirements, others are venue specific, but mostly they’re to keep Art Swansea sessions as safe and inclusive as possible. We fully support every individual’s right to free expression, but there are limits and you are expected to consider other participants.

*Currently Art Swansea is only able to provide materials for drawing on site, however, you are welcome to bring your own materials if you already have a sketchbook or a preferred medium. Just be aware that each of us is responsible for our own mess and you will need to clean up after yourself.
